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Please click on the images to view them in bigger size. Please notice: some of the photos represent only part of the original compositions. Photo 7 made by Per Myrehed.

Copyright art and photos © Göran Gindestam.



Göran Gidenstam föddes 1949 i Stenungsund, Sverige.

Bosatt i Stockholm sedan 1969, där han studerade på Kungliga Konsthögsknlan åren 1970 till 1976.

Göran har hittills genomfört ett 30-tal separatutställningar - bland annat på galleri Doktor Glas 1984 och 1988, Galleri Moderne 1986 och Galleri Kavaletten 1995.

Han har dessutom utfört många offentliga utsmyckningsuppdrag. Några exempel: Muralrnåleri och marmorgolv i Växlö Lasaretts entréhall. Väggmålning i Räddningsskolan i Rosersberg. Muralmålen 1990 i huvudentrén på S-E Banken i Rissne. En 40 kvadratmeter stor väggmålning - Staden som flyter på vattnet - i Sveriges Riksdag (foto 7).

Göran Gidenstam har skapat motivet till ett frimarke (foto 6) inför öppnandet av nya Moderna Muséer 1998.

Han finns representerad på ett tiotal svenska muséer, bland annat Moderna Muséet Stockholm. Läs mer om Göran Gidenstarn i "Vent är vent i svensk konst" 1993 års utgåva.



The city that floats on water (photo 7)

"The City That Floats On Water", a mural at the entrance to the Riksdag's (parliament house) Skandia Hall in the Neptunus block in the Old Town, is a strictly executed geometrization of the Stockholm Sound.

The forms of the city are presented In such a way that each building is self-reflecting and the light enters from the side. The mural itself, following the curve of a semi-circular stairwell, comprises two horizontal golden-section rectangles. The central axis between them follows the original course been the ancient north gate of the city at Mynttorget and the Brunkeberg ridge on Regeringsgatan. Stars reflected in the water are reminiscent of points of geometrical intersection. The picture's parallel lines have a specific relation to these points.

The painting should be seen as a playfuI expression of curiosity in which the artist has not been overawed by the solemnity of these monuments of the realm or their great value as objects of beauty, but has created a free and independent whole of his own.

Diagonals, vertical lines, triangles, circles, ellipses and horizontal lines make up the basic forms and structures of the mural's geometrical and abstract style of painting, and a kaleidoscope of different shapes relate to one another in magical proportions. The colors have been applied in numerous thin layers of glaze.

Follow the painting round and you will be surprised at how it nevertheless manages to mirror the physical outlines and essence of Stockholm's beauty. A place where the view is clear and you can breathe freely.

Göran Gidenstam