Please click on the images to view them in bigger size. Copyright art and photos © 2003 Nelli Parastatidou
Δίπλωμα ζωγραφικής της ΑΣΚΤ.
Εργαστήριο Γ .Μαυροίδη. Πτυχίο
διακόσμησης, σκηνογραφίας της ΑΣΚΤ.
Εργαστήριο Β. Βασιλειάδη .
1981 Μετεκπαίδευση στο COLLEGE OF HISTORY ΑΝD ΑRT, ΒΑΤΗ, ENGLAND, στην ιστορία της Τέχνης.
Ομαδικές Εκθέσεις
Ομαδική έκθεση διακόσμησης,
σκηνογραφίας. Βραβείο Υπουργείου
11η Πανελλήνια Έκθεση Ζαππείου.
12η Πανελλήνια Έκθεση Ζαππείου .
13η Πανελλήνια Έκθεση Ζαππείου .
Ατομικές Εκθέσεις
1976 Γκαλερί
1984 Γκαλερί
1987 Γκαλερί
1988 Eκθεσιακός
χώρος στο Δημαρχείο του
1991 Γκαλερί
1993 Art Gallery
Boston U.S.A.
1994 Γκαλερί
"Άνεμος" στην Κηφισιά
Γκαλερί "Κρεωνίδης"
2001 Γκαλερί
" Ακρόπρωρο" στις Σπέτσες
Γκαλερί 3
'Έργα της
βρίσκονται: στην Εθνική Πινακοθήκη,
στη Δημοτική
Πινακοθήκη Αθήνας, στο Δημαρχείο του
Είναι μέλος του Επιμελητηρίου Εικαστικών Τεχνών Ελλάδας.
She is the epitome of today's woman -
juggling family and a successful art career... living life to the
fullest. She loves traveling, Vivaldi, "heavy" rebetika
songs, and Godiva chocolates. She adores life in Athens, the
magnificent light of Attica, and does not own a television set,
because she prefers "to go out at night". Extremely
organized, she has alternated between the two same family dinner
menus for the past twenty-five years! When her children were
small, she would even help
them make Christmas presents... in August! But most of all, Nelli
Parastatidou is characterized by her female forms and
nudes. Just take a look at four of her latest paintings: She
describes "Soul" as a statue of a strong, soulful, and
spiritual woman.
There is an upward movement as if the woman is being relieved of
all materialistic burdens. On her chest sits a symbolic
butterfly, since the ancient Greek word for "soul"
means "butterfly". "Soul of the Lake"
portrays a woman who symbolizes the personification of the lake.
A female face wearing an earring rises from the water.
Parastatidou explains the earring is there to emphasize the
womanliness of, the face and the female erotic element. In
"Drought", a mysterious woman covered with a veil walks
in a
drought-stricken area covered with thorns. She covers her nose,
perhaps because a small animal has died in the desert. Surrounded
by thorns, she tries to find away out. The woman symbolizes both
spiritual and material drought.
"Erotic Conversation" (graphite on cardboard) is the
meeting of two people. Even though their bodies seem scattered,
they are actually joined. The female parts are intertwined with
the male to such an extent that they have become one body, one
soul. Art critic Dora Rogan writes the following: "Inspired
by the human, mostly the female figure, the compositions of Nelli
Parastatidou reflect the inner world of a real artist into our
eyes and souls. Those figures, derived from the antique world,
are in reality perennial ones. Their imposing stature, untouched
by time and fashion, denotes the presence of eternal values
against the triviality of modern times. The figures revived by
the artist's own concept in color create a special atmosphere
known as Nelli's completely personal artistic expression ".
Parastatidou has been painting as long as she can remember. After
demonstrating great artistic ability in school, she attended the
School of Fine Arts for five years. She studied painting with
famed Greek painter
Morales and scenography with Vasiliades. After graduation, she
went to Bath in England for post-graduate work and to Strasbourg
in France to study interior decorating and medieval art.
Parastatidou says that it takes her three to four months to
complete each of her paintings. She is inspired by museums and
also get bursts of inspiration when riding the... trolley! There
is a uniqueness to her work which stands out. She has been
influenced by the surrealist painters, she says, but also by
figurative painting which has symbols one can relate to. She is
also influenced by metaphysics. She works continuously and lives,
as she describes it "in my own world of mirrors and
colors". Parastatidou also constructs a unique frame for
each painting she creates. She does it herself, she says, because
she does not trust anyone else to do it. She explains that she
finds it amusing to visit an art exhibit and see thirty different
paintings, all in the same frames. Besides painting, she also
works with graphite on linen and also with mirrors. She alters
the mirrors with special chemicals and then paints on them with
oils. Gold, red, and blue are her favorite colors. She also
designs and makes coffee tables out of wood, crystal, and
mirrors; triptych folding screens; and walls with built-in
mirrors. Her advice to young artists reflects her own principles;
be very strict with yourself, fall in love with your subject,
work very hard, and become inspired by Greek tradition without
being enslaved by it. After all, she explains, it is this
tradition that has inspired all of Western spirit and intellect.
Parastatidou has participated in many group exhibitions in Greece
and throughout Europe; she has done art programs for television;
illustrated children's books; and is a technical advisor
associated with the Bosch Gallery . She will be part of a group
exhibition in Athens this summer. Her paintings can be found in
the Greek National Art Gallery , the Gallery of Strasbourg, and
in many private collections in Greece and abroad.
Hilton Greece Magazine