Organization of the Artists in the Swedish region of V�rmland
"V�rmlands Konstn�rsf�rbund" is an artists� organization in Sweden representing the artists, working together with the V�rmlands Konstf�rening (The V�rmland�s Art association) for the benefit of the arts in V�rmland. (V�rmland is a province of central-west Sweden)
V�rmlands Konstn�rsf�rbund is this year 77 years old. The association was created in 1919 and since 1936 has a strong relationship with the V�rmlands Konstf�rening.
The organization V�rmlands Konstn�rsf�rbund has today 143 members; only artists associated with the Swedish province V�rmland in some way can be members (you must have been born, or work here).
As a tradition V�rmlands Konstn�rsf�rbund has a yearly "Autumn art fair", a large art exhibition in the V�rmlands museum. And in the middle of April we have the entry examination.
V�rmlands Konstn�rsf�rbund�s most important issue is to create a friendly atmosphere for the artists in V�rmland and also create interesting meetings with other artists from the world around us.
Tommy Bergstr�m, Chairman
_______________________Contact: V�RMLANDS KONSTN�RS F�RBUND: H�rn V�stmyr, 686 96 �stra �mtervik, Sweden, tel +46.565-30353, fax +46.565-30344.