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Copyright web site © 2022 EURAN, European Art Networks AB, Stockholm, Sweden


EURAN Projects

The EURAN Project yesterday, today and tomorrow

 April 26, 2020

IN THE EIGHTIES I worked with the presentation of art, architecture and design in big exhibitions in Paris, France and created big exhibitions in Copenhagen and Stockholm with the same subject. A large number of creators and visitors participated in these events. They have been exciting experiences, but also costly, time consuming and, as it is common, they finished a few days after they were inaugurated.

IN THE NINETIES. I love technology. I use it since the first days of my Swedish company 25 years ago. I knew it was going to revolutionize the way things are done in life and I wanted to be part of that change. We did so. Two good friends, computer engineers, partners of IBM Sweden, started for us in Stockholm the basis of a website with very few artists. We learned the basics, took over from them and created the site www.euran.com, using a laptop, the software “Microsoft Front Page” and a Logitech scanner, site that included one of the first large presentations of creators and their works online, for the biggest part between the years 1994 and 2000. We selected about 300 personalities, mainly painters and sculptors, a few photographers, installation and multimedia artists. We also presented distinguished architects, fashion and industrial designers. The web site was developed day by day, very often following meetings with creators in Europe, sometimes communicating with a few of them in distance. We also included in the site other types of information as the presentation of a few examples of businesses using art in their marketing in an exemplary way and our own proposal for such an activity. News about our company’s activities as well as international culture news were completing our site. The site was used as a showroom for our different activities, supporting mainly sales of art to collectors in Scandinavian companies.   

TWENTY FIRST CENTURY. The development of our web site almost stopped as in the beginning of the new century we turned to a new activity, art consulting at the decoration of interiors in large cruise ships. A web store was created in 2010 but remained inactive since for the same reason.

TODAY. We are in the middle of the terrible situation created everywhere by a virus. We hope that from this global nightmare the humanity will get wiser, will resolve the present problem with the less possible pain, will take its precautions against future threats and will organize better for the future in what concerns questions of health and environment. In our company, we are reviewing now all the past activities and put in place a new launch of EURAN’s original plans. Communication between the creators and their public is necessary more than ever and suddenly technology proved to be, at least for some time, the only way to establish it. With our precious experience, EURAN decided to return to its original plans, cover the gap of communication using the latest technologies, enlarging its reach to a global public of art collectors and art and culture interested persons, with its own and other web sites and stores, with its presence on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

We invite you to join us in that project, as a partner, a client, or simply somebody who believes that civilization is a precious and necessary value of the human existence. You are welcome to be part of our Project.

EURAN, European Art Networks,  April 26, 2020



EURAN Objectives 2021-2022

October 2, 2021

We wish to create projects inspired by objectives which are similar to those expressed by the European Commission through calls for proposals in the EU programs “Creative Europe” and “Horizon”; some of those objectives are the following:

"1. Enforce our networking, notably with other similar projects, actions and initiatives.

2. Exploit the potential for further economic growth and employment in the cultural and creative industries.

3. Make proposals for further strengthening the competitiveness and drawing benefit from the innovation potential of the sector of the cultural and creative industries in the international markets.

4. Support creators and other cultural professionals and build adequate responses to the needs and challenges to support the internationalization of their careers, which could include new models of creation, showcasing and exhibition, export strategy and distribution, and mobility and exchange.

5. Show the role that can be played by the cultural and creative industries as drivers of innovation in other economic sectors such as industry and services.

6. Analyze and work on creating direct and indirect effects on the economy by the cultural and creative industries, economic spill-over effects on other sectors.

7. Build the capacity within the cultural and creative sectors to be active at the international level.

8. Co-production is also a tool to stimulate creativity, share resources and facilitate the transnational distribution of content and the circulation of creators.

9. Help creators to reach a new and diverse audience and develop their careers by giving more visibility to their talent and work outside their borders.

10. Promote, celebrate and boost the diversity of the international repertoire by developing a common programming of non-national creators and ensuring their presence at major events, festivals, fairs and markets.

11. Increase cultural access to and participation in culture, as well as audience engagement and development, both physically and digitally.

12. Promote and encourage the digital shift to adapt to the substantial changes in how cultural goods are created, managed, disseminated, accessed, consumed and monetized, changing the value propositions which prevailed in the analogue era.

13. Take into account the new context such as health or environmental concerns and integrate innovative (digital) ways of producing and disseminating content.

14. Promote a fair, inclusive and diverse environment for creators, looking particularly at effective ways to tackle the gender gap and fight discrimination. From this perspective, promoting equal opportunities, better working conditions and fair remuneration will be a strategic feature of proposed projects".

The projects we undertake can be financed with sponsorship operations, grants, sales of goods, and consulting services.

EURAN, European Art Networks AB. October 2, 2021



TV series / “Star Trek Discovery” | Season 3 Finale Ending - "You've found your way home!"

TV series / “Star Trek Discovery” / Season 3 Finale Ending - Captain on the bridge scene